Minggu, 21 Oktober 2018

Let's Deal with The Past

I believe that the pain will never leave unless we ask it to leave. But before we want to do it, just make sure that everything is ready. Forgive, Fix, and Move.
Forgiving the past doesn't mean to forget and hate. Forgiving means we accept sincerely what has happened. Take everything that can be used as the lesson for a better "present" or even "future". And let the bad, worse, and worst things go by itself. No need to forget or hate.
Fixing isn't about how we can blame and ask "the past" to fix everything. It means we take a look at ourselves; detecting what we should repair in order to build our new steps and then fix ourselves. Remember, no need to forget or hate.
Moving. Wait. Are you sure tht you have forgiven and fixed them? Alright. I trust you.
Well, moving isn't showing off about our new present. It is about how we can use the result of forgiving and fixing as a new and strong way to go to where we belong. It's not easy. And perhaps it will spend like forever. But it's worth to try. But again, no need to forget or hate.

Damn, why I'm alwys saying that "no need to forget and hate"?!!

Because... you know? We will never be able to erase everything from the past. Someone said in a movie that we put the past into the box, lock it, and one day we will open it, unlock it, see it even touch it. We'll do it over over and over again until we don't see and feel it as pain anymore.
So, don't forget and hate it. Cause you'll still deal with it for, let's say, a long time.
Just get used to it. You'll be fine.

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